Faithfully Confident Entrepreneur: Sell With Confidence and Grow a Kingdom Led Business, Christian Online Business

047 | Do not give up keep pushing on growing your business

Courtney Berry - Christian Confidence Mentor Episode 47

Are you feeling overwhelmed or discouraged in your entrepreneurial journey?

Do you desire to find renewed faith and confidence in your business endeavors?

This episode delves into:

  • Believing in Your Purpose: Embracing the conviction that you are exactly where you're meant to be, and that God has blessed you with a specific purpose.
  • Overcoming Obstacles: Recognizing that struggles and setbacks may be signs of opposition from the enemy, and finding strength to persevere despite challenges.
  • Faith and Persistence: Encouragement to keep pushing forward, even when success seems distant, with the belief that God is guiding and blessing your efforts.

Join us as we are reminded of the power of faith, resilience, and divine purpose in entrepreneurship. Gain the inspiration and motivation to continue pursuing your business goals with unwavering confidence, trusting in God's plan for your success. Remember, with faith the size of a mustard seed, anything is possible. Keep pushing, keep believing, and keep striving for greatness.

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Self Love Devotional For Women

00:00:00 / 00:14:18

Hey, hey, hey you guys welcome to another episode of the faithfully confident podcast so excited to have you here Today's gonna be a really short episode. I just felt really inspired just to share this with you today, and I feel like someone needs to hear it and As you've noticed I didn't even do an intro. I didn't even do a prayer I am literally sitting in my truck right now waiting to have lunch with a friend and I just God was like Share this message today. I've I've shared it with you three times now.

It's time to share it with someone else So what I wanted to share with you today just nice short sweet Literally, it's gonna be like maybe a five minute episode at max at max you guys So nice short little, you know, welcome to your week. Enjoy your week and no and believe wholeheartedly on a soul level that You can do this you absolutely can do this God has blessed you with this purpose He has created you in your mother's womb for this purpose. He literally molded and shaped you For this purpose like this is where you are you are not in the wrong place You are in the right place. You are exactly where you're meant to be in this moment in this season right now What you are doing if you are struggling if you are frustrated if you are overwhelmed if you're Questioning whether or not this is even meant for you because nothing seems to be working out One if it's not working out for you.

Yes, it may not be be for you I don't know like I don't know what it is that you're going through I don't know your exact situation, but I will tell you from my experience when something is not going right It is because the enemy is pissed off The enemy is pissed off and he does not want you to see success So keep on going you are doing the right thing You were doing an incredible job at what it is that you're doing do not stop keep going keep going keep going keep pushing I believe in you and God is with you God is with us and we can do this we can do all things through Christ that gives us strength and God literally Closed the lion's mouth for Daniel. He parted the Red Sea for Moses. He gave Sarah a baby and He is blessing you in this season with your business with your life with your clients with Abundance with ever it is that you have been praying for I want to tell you on this episode that it is coming It is on its way to you and you just need to have faith the size of a mustard seed and know that it is possible You just need to keep pushing keep pushing you guys keep pushing do not give up Do not give up on yourself. You have come too far for you to give up on yourself It took me seven years Seven years to see success in my business had I given up sooner? I would have not seen the success that I have today I would have not even started this podcast as an example. You would not be listening to this episode today had I Given up sooner because let me tell you it was a tough journey. It was very very tough I had lots of struggles.

I had lots of hurdles I had all of the issues that you could possibly even think about So I want to tell you right now do not give up do not give up. It is coming. It is coming It is coming have faith believe in yourself trust in God's purpose for you and know that he is Literally created you for this divine purpose And if it is on your heart and you cannot stop thinking about it you wake up in the morning and you're like I have to do this today It is on your heart for a reason He has equipped he has qualified you and especially if you feel unqualified It is even more of a reason to keep pushing. He's going to give you the experiences He's gonna give you the trainings. He's gonna give you the wisdoms He is going to give you exactly what it is that you need in order to Continue to strive to see that success and that growth within yourself within your business within everything in your life So God bless you. I pray that this inspired you and I love you and I will see you for our next episode

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