Faithfully Confident Entrepreneur: Sell With Confidence and Grow a Kingdom Led Business, Christian Online Business

051 - Part 2 Selling With Confidence Masterclass

Episode 51

In this episode of the Faithfully Confident podcast, we continue our master class series on selling with confidence. We explore building genuine connections and maintaining faith in the sales process. Learn how to overcome obstacles like impostor syndrome and handle sales objections with unwavering confidence. Join us to strengthen your faith in your abilities and trust in God's plan for your business journey. Tune in now and step into your divine purpose with confidence!

Links Mentioned In This Episode:
Slaying Goliaths Masterclass
Biblical Wealth Masterclass
Podcast Episode 031 -  I received $1k payment thought it was a mistake!

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Hey, hey. Hey, you guys, welcome to the latest episode of the Faithfully confident entrepreneur podcast, where Faith sales marketing and confidence intersect to empower,your entrepreneurial journey. In today's episode, we're diving into the second part of our master class series on selling with confidence. If you missed part one, go check it out. Press pause, go check it out. And then come back to this one because there's tons of valuable information in part one that you will not want to miss, that is going to line you up beautifully for part two. Join us as we explore the crucial elements of building genuine connections. Nurturing trust within your audience and overcoming those obstacles in these sales process, get ready and we are going on a beautiful transformative Journey towards selling with authenticity conviction and unwavering face. All right, let's pray you guys.

Lord, as We Gather here today, we come before you with Open Hearts and eager spirits. Lord, we recognize that each person tuning in today is on their own unique Journey. Some may feel uncertain others, may be struggling with doubt, and some may be searching for direction. But we know that you are with each and every one of us, guiding us along the path, you have set before us. Today, we lift up this episode of the faithfully competent entrepreneur podcast. We asked for your presence to be felt throughout every spoken word, every thought, shared in every message, conveyed May your wisdom. And Truth shine through Illuminating, the hearts and minds of all of those who listen, Lord, we pray for those who may be facing decision, paralysis in their business, grant them the courage to trust in your plan and the confidence to take those bold steps forward. Help them to see that with faith. All things are possible and that you are the always guiding them. And even in the midst of uncertainty, we always lift up those. We also lift up those who may be struggling with imposter syndrome or feelings of unworthiness remind them Lord, that they are fearfully and wonderfully made in your image. Help them to see their own unique gifts, and talents and embrace them with humility and gratitude. Father, we ask for your blessing upon. All those who listen to this episode may they be inspired. May they be encouraged and empowered to step into the fullness of who you created them to be may they walk in faith knowing that you are always by their side leaving them onward in this we pray. Amen.

Hey, hey. Hey, you guys. Welcome back to the Faithfully confident podcast, where we talk about all things, Faith sales, marketing and confidence, of course. So for today's episode, it is going to be a part two of a master class series selling with confidence. If you have not listened to part one, I highly recommend.

You go back and you listen to that because it was a very powerful episode. And for today, we are going to be doing part two, which is going to be diving into building that genuine connection and that no, like trust factor with your audience to Begin that sales process.

We're going to be diving into that a bit as well today. And another thing that we're going to be focusing on for part two, is where do we lose faith in that sales process. That's going to be a lot of what the episode today is about is where do we lose faith in the sales process?

Be covered a little bit about the know like trust factor in part one as well as building that genuine connection. I feel like we don't need to go too deep into it today because it kind of We talked a little bit about it in the first episode, right?

So, I don't want to overload, you guys, with the same information that you already got. I want to dive deeper and I want to help you build that faith and confidence in yourself, to be able to sell your products with confidence, to be able to have those conversations with confidence to step into those DMS of your ideal clients and go.

I'm going to tell them about my services because my services need to be known, people need to know what I offer. And in that process, you don't feel like you're being sales. You don't feel like you're pushing it on them because I'm going to teach you in this master class how you can sell.

Without that icky, yucky pitchy, you know, ungenuine transaction, right? I want to help you be able to sell with confidence and without Overstepping your values, which is showing up You know, as a leader, but not offering so many things to people that don't, they don't even need it, you just want the sale, you just want the money, there's more to selling than just showing up and trying to get the sale because let's be honest here, when we build those genuine connections, the natural outcome is to get a sale The more people you talk to, you're more likely to get a sale, the less amount of people you talk do the less amount of people that you are reaching out to through even just your social media accounts.

If you don't post, if you don't show up, how are you going to get those clients? How are you going to make that sale? You can't, because people don't know where to find you. They don't know what you do. They don't know how you can help them. So this is where We're going to talk about building those connections and how we can build those connections and what it is that we can do just naturally to improve improve upon that sales process because A lot of what I teach with my clients is relationship selling.

It's building those connections. It's not just, you know, showing up making the perfect post so that people click it and sign up and sign up with you. There's more to selling than just making a perfectly crafted post. And to be honest, I don't even post that much and I still make money in my business.

I very rarely if ever post, I just do stories. I do stories, I do live streams. I do podcast episodes and that's where my audience comes from and that's where I make my income rather than Crafting a whole bunch of posts and crafting, a email marketing series. I don't even have an email list right now.

As of this episode, you guys, I really should, but I don't even have an email list right now. Like, if I'm being honest, I don't have an email list like I, I really should at this point in my business but All right, moving forward. So if you don't have an email list, I get you, I get you.

I mean, I used to absolutely hate the word marketing, the word marketing to me, just felt really gross and really icky and I just it wasn't the word marketing itself. That really made me feel that way. It was the impression that I got on what marketing truly was, and there's more to marketing than just pitch pitch pitch sale sale sale sell.

Sell like there's, there's more to it, and I didn't know that at the time. So now, now I love the word marketing, I love it. I love, I love to Market my stuff, but anyways, that's not the point of this. This master class the master class is all about selling.

So let's dive into The building genuine connections. So again, I'm not going to die too deep into this because like I said, part one, covered it already. So if you haven't listened to it, go back and listen to it. Press pause right now and go listen to it. Because these are all going to tie together in the right order in order to get what you need to learn from these master class.

So go back and listen to part one. It's 32 minutes, it's really powerful. It's really great. Go listen to it. Okay, we got that out of the way. And for those stubborn ones. You still need to go back and listen to it. Okay. All right. So building that genuine connection, it's very important because If you think about the interactions that you have with those around you, you are more likely to purchase a product from someone that you feel connected to someone that you trust someone that, you know, whether or not, you know, that person, personally, you don't have to know them, like they don't have to be a friend, they don't have to be a family member.

You just feel that connection to them, maybe they have something that's relatable to you. Maybe they're also a stay-at-home mom who's building a business and you want to support them as much as they want to support you. Maybe you have that connection with that person but in order to build that genuine connection you have to genuinely get out there and get to know them and this is Something that drives me absolutely batshit crazy part of my language but it does you go get taught from other mentors on how to sell and they teach you and this is where that like yuck energy comes from.

I I think personally is you go and they teach you to go in like three posts and leave like some Some random comment like, oh I love your dog. Oh that, that looks great on you or oh, it looks like you have a really great day. Like okay. But did you actually read the post, like, did you read more about it?

Did you reach out to me, even more? Like, or is this, you know, just post ghost and run away. I hope they come back to you. There's more to building connections than than just going and checking out the last three posts. They had and liking them and liking this one and liking that one and then running to the next person.

Like, when I'm building my genuine connections, I am going on to their post. I'm reviewing probably the last, like 10 posts that they had and like, oh wow, they just had a birthday party. Wow, their their daughter just turned two. Oh, I wonder, you know, how, how the birthday party went.

I'm gonna message that person and go. Hey, it looks like you just had a birthday party. How did it go? I mean I just hosted my first birthday party for my daughter, when she turned two and oh, my goodness. I'm so burnt out from that birthday party. I am actually, I'm so burnt out from that birthday party.

How are you feeling like, are you? Are you doing okay? I'm genuinely connecting with that person. I am sharing a common interest. I am reaching out, you know how I'm asking them a question. That's not about business. I'm asking them about them. People love, love, love to talk about themselves you guys.

They love to talk about themselves. So building that genuine connection comes hand in hand with getting them to talk about themselves. You want to find something that you guys can have a conversation about A conversation. It is a two-way street. It is not just you sharing your business and sharing what you have to offer and messaging them saying hey I know that this will help you so much you should check it out.

Here's all the information and you're just overloading them with information which right off the bat is not a good idea, do not overload people with information. Like when I sell my products and my services, I'm very rarely if ever giving them a random blurb about it all together because They might relate to one thing specifically that I'm offering in this program.

They might be really great at selling but they get choked up. When you get an objection, I have certain things that help you with those objections and I can share them in this. The show notes of this episode, I'll share what I have there for you guys. But they might not.

Be good at handling objections. So, that's something where I can go, okay, this episode will help you or this course, will help you or this will help you. And this is why I think it will help you rather than going. Okay, I have I have this product, I have this service and this, this is It's not gonna relate to them at all, because, all they're gonna see is just an overwhelming amount of text that they're probably to be honest.

Not even gonna read, they're gonna go. Okay, thanks and then carry on with their day, like they're not gonna read it, they don't care. They just want to know that one thing that can help them, that can serve them and know that you are someone that they know. Like and trust that you're not just there to take their money and run away.

You're there as a human being. That is Available to help them. But not only available to help them, you're there, genuinely helping them with your god-given gifts. God carefully created you and crafted you in your mother's womb for this purpose. This is your Divine Purpose, he qualified and equipped you for this purpose and you are that person that can help them.

And when you are able to build that connection with them and develop that klt factor with them that no like trust with them. That is when that sale is going to happen. So enough of that. Enough of that. So you have built up that connection with them, so as you're having that conversation with them, Eventually like a lot of people will teach you that.

Oh, you need to ask them about their goals, you need to ask them about their struggles. Yes, that is very true. You do need to know about their, their goals and what their struggles are. Because you need to know that you are the person that can help them, but there is a natural way to do that.

While having a conversation, you don't just jump right in and go. Hey, what do you do? You know what are you struggling with? How can I help you? Because they're not going to tell you. They're not gonna tell you, they're gonna feel attacked and they're gonna detach from that conversation, because you just basically blurted this out and placed it on their lap and went, hey, let's go.

I want to help you like, you're gonna scare them away, don't do that. And if you do that, if it works for you great, it has never worked for me. It's never worked for any of my clients. And I mean if it works for you great but if it I mean you're probably here because it doesn't work, right?

So all right so the goals and the struggles so you've built up that trust with them and now you want to dig deeper into that conversation and there's always going to be opening. So going back to that birthday conversation. I can casually within that conversation. Go. Yeah, you know, I I have my my daughter's birthday party on Saturday.

I'm so burnt out, but I still have things that I need to get. Get done in my business, you know? Oh, I wish I just had a virtual assistant or someone that can, you know, help me with my, with my tasks. So I feel less overwhelmed and that's naturally opening up a conversation about business.

They might Express that they're stressed out. They're overwhelmed and that maybe that's something you can help them with. That is opening up that conversation like with me and my my confidence in selling, you know, one of the things that I could bring this conversation towards is go. Yeah, you know.

I'm pretty tired. I'm pretty exhausted, but, you know, I do still want to show up in my business so I'm I'm still showing up, you know? I'm I mean you know what, let's just skip this all together. We're gonna skip this all together. All right, we're going to backtrack here because I feel like I can want a tangent on how I can move this conversation from their goals and struggles to what I do personally and I I want this to relate to you.

I want you to pull the information yourself rather than me, do the work for you. So, We're just gonna take a step back from that and I I want you to know that again. There's always going to be openings, the more you talk about them, there's always going to be openings, eventually, they are going to tell you about the struggles, eventually, they are going to talk about your goals and sometimes.

In the conversations, you can absolutely. I will I'll bring up a conversation that I just have with someone that was absolutely beautiful. And I love love how they ended up bringing it up. So I'll just bring this up here. So, one of the things that Ah, where is it?

Where did it go? And, uh, yeah. So this person messaged me and they said, I love supporting my online sisters. Wow. Another year around the Sun for you reflecting on where you are at? What is your focus for this coming year? Freeing up. More time. Making more money. Improving Health, Etc.

What is it for you? That opened up a conversation with me because With that. I it was my birthday. Of course, it's a new year. Of course, I have new goals. Of course, I have, you know, new things that I want to improve upon for the year and eventually that might lead to a business conversation where they can help me with certain things.

So there's always going to be opportunities, you know, and happy, happy birthday, messages are beautiful, ones to transition to, you know, what are your goals? Do you have any goals in your business this year? Like what are you, what are you, what are you striving to achieve this year?

What's where do you want to go this year? Like what is this year gonna look like for you? And just there's always always, always going to be ways that you can talk about business and talk about what it is that you do and how you can help those people.

But again, if this is something you struggle with feel free to reach out to me, like I would love to have a one-on-one conversation with you. So feel free to do that, you can reach out to me in the Facebook group. I have that in the show notes so you can join there, reach out to me, I don't bite, I promise I'm very friendly.

But, yeah, so the the goals and struggles, there's always going to be ways that you can dive deeper into it. So, Now, the next step and this is the part where people get kind of they get stuck on. And that is where are we losing faith in the sales process?

Where do we lose faith? In that sales process, we show up super confident, we have a conversation with them, we built up that that klt with them and now they're asking about what it is that we do and how we can help them. And we, we share our offer with them.

Where in that process, do we lose that faith? Where do we lose that faith? And there's a few things I have for you here and there's that disbelief in your capabilities. You start having that imposter syndrome. You have some money blocks or you just straight up, get a sales objection.

So either you're kicking yourself in the foot or they're kicking you within a sales objection either way. Within those, if we don't have that. Unwavering faith and confidence in our abilities. We start to lose that faith in the sales process and we start to lose faith that it's going to happen.

And we start to lose faith that this client is our client. They're coming to us. They're going to say yes, we start to lose faith in our business. We start to lose faith and how like, how we show up in our business. Like if this is even for you, like all of those doubts and the enemy loves to attack you during this process, he loves to attack you during this process.

So it's really important that we work through this today. So I like to call these Goliath lies. And, I mean, I have another, if this, if this master class has hit home with you, I also have another master class that I recorded that's called slaying Goliath and that is slowly just on slaying those mindset Gremlins.

So if that's something you want again, I'll link that in the show notes as well. But losing faith. So losing faith and where we don't believe that we are capable. Sudden we get that objection suddenly just we maybe they read the message and they stopped responding all of a sudden and they left you on red.

And we're like, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. And we start losing that faith. And we start going and creating these stories that haven't even happened yet. On why we're not going to get the sale. Why we haven't got the sale. What what are they going to say? You don't know what they're gonna do.

Give them space. Give them space to process things. Don't hover. Don't like we don't do this with God. We don't do this with God. We shouldn't do this with our clients either. And and to make this a more relatable. Experience and just kind of giving you something to kind of process us with is when you think about, you know, you hire a cleaner You hired a cleaner for a purpose, they're going there to do their purpose, they're cleaning your house.

They know what they do. They have their processes. They know how it works. They know what to do but meanwhile you're standing there hovering over them going. Like, okay, is she going to do this? Is she going to do that right? Is she going to do like you're just watching the process happen.

When realistically, they are here to do a job. And we need to step back and let them process and do their processes. They have their own way of doing things, and we need to let them do that. Otherwise, It's either they're gonna, they're gonna not do their job fully or it's just it's not going to be complete.

So, what I'm getting at with that and I feel like that was a very poor example. Now that I'm saying it, but, I mean doing this messy. I, I never ever re-record things. It's a One-Stop done. We get it done. We do it messy. And I also teach my clients that too to keep it simple.

Keep it. Simple silly. K-I-S-SS, keep it simple. But with that like we don't ask God to do something and then just hover and go. Why hasn't he done it yet? Why isn't it done? Like no, we have that trust in faith and we put it out into the world for God.

We write it down. So that and what is that scripture? Was that? Um Abacus, let me look it up. No, I don't know, I don't remember it is but it talks. I don't even know if I'm saying it, right? You guys. Um, but yeah, it talks about how we need to write things down so that the messengers of God can deliver the message to We need to write things down and make it known.

If we do not write things down, basically they disappear into an abyss and they either don't happen or we forget, they're there, or they're just non-existent like, with our mind I got this major mom brain going on. If I don't write things down, it's gone. It's gone and same with our goals and our objections for the month, write them down so that you can see them so that you have something to work towards, but we're getting off topic here.

So let's go back. But you have to believe that you are capable, we are capable beings God created us as capable beings, it's whether or not we continue to have that unwavering faith in our abilities to know, on a soul level that we are capable. We are capable, you are capable Say it with me.

I am capable. I am capable. So, you're capable. And the other thing is, we believe we're trying to be some someone that we're not. That imposter syndrome really really hits deep. Like we don't we start looking at other people and their success especially other people that do the same thing that you do.

And you go, oh, that person can help this person so much better than I can. You know, who am I to be doing the things that I'm doing, it doesn't matter. What they do. Their clients are going to be different than your clients you can help and serve people better than they can for certain people.

Everybody has their own people, everybody has their own clients. Most people that work with me, have ADHD, and they're very scatter brained and all over the place and that's where the the doubt kicks in with them because they're so scattered all over the place that because they're so scattered.

They focus on one thing and then they're focusing on another thing. Therefore the first thing doesn't work because they lost their focus on it and then their doubt starts to kick in because oh that didn't work. So maybe this won't work either but We try to be someone that we think that we are and then we keep pursuing that person.

When really what all we need to do is just remember that. God qualified and equipped you for this purpose. If you have this desire on your heart to sell your services to sell your offers to do, what it is that you're doing today. Then you need to know that you are capable and you can do this, you don't have to do things.

The way that that person is doing it because you have your own way of doing it. You have your own way of doing it. So stop looking at other people and start looking within and looking at yourself. So the other big objection or no objection, the other thing that stops that that Faith.

Is that you? You don't believe that you're able to handle that type of money. And I went through this myself with my business where I got my first paid in full, and I actually have a podcast episode on that, I'll link that in the links as well. When I received my first paid in full, I tried to return it because I thought it was a mistake.

I'm not even kidding with you guys. I got my first $1,000 payment and I tried to return it. I was like, oh, I think you made a mistake when you um, submitted your payment, you know, you you paid in full, did you mean to do that? Like, cuz they, they were on a payment plan and they decided that they wanted to pay off their balance early rather than doing a payment plan.

They changed their mind as they set up the payment line. I think they had like one or two payments come out and then they paid the rest of the balance. So it was like a 1200 offer for my one-on-one at the time and I think they made two payments and then they basically paid a thousand dollars or something.

So, I'm like, I think you made a mistake in your payment, you know, I just wanted you to be aware, you know? Did you, did you mean to submit this amount? And they're like, yeah, absolutely. I I wanted to pay my balance off. I wanted to pay in full And I was like, oh my gosh, I just got my friend, like I could not believe it.

I could not believe it. And after that I got like a forty, five hundred dollar payment in full and I'm like, what is happening? What is happening? So I opened up myself to receive higher amounts. And I did not block that money from coming in. I did not have that disbelief in myself that I can't handle that amount of money because my money story was, I'm bad at managing money.

I'm bad with money. I am bad at, you know, putting aside money for expenses. I'm always in debt, I'm always broke. Like, I had so many money stories that it was. Basically putting a barrier up where clients were not paying me. Clients were I'm doing like these itty bitty payment plants.

Like I remember one payment plan, I had I wanted this client so bad so bad and this was when I first started coaching, I wanted them so bad. I charged, I can't remember what I charged, but long story short, their payment plan was like 60 bucks a month or something.

And now, here I am. Receiving $4,500, paid in full. Like those are two different people with their money stories. Those are two totally different people. They believe different things on being able to receive and they open themselves up to trust and believe that they're capable of, not only receiving but they're capable of handling that amount of financial Financials in their life.

Like I have brought all of this money to God. And basically said, like, God, how do you want me to handle this? How do you want me to like this is, this is your money. We don't own anything on Earth. We don't own anything. They're just they're just things.

And same goes with money, it's just paper. It's just paper, it's meaningless. It's just paper. It's us. That gives it meaning. So when we're handling these transactions, what's happening is we're putting more meaning into it than it needs to have. It's just money that is being used in the Kingdom.

So, have that. Mindset that you may. And again I also have a master class on handling money and what it means to have money as a Christian business owner, like receiving that money, I have a master class on that too. So again, I'll link that in the show notes but you need to be able to handle the amount of money that God wants to bless you with.

And if you're not ready, he's not going to give it to you. He's not going to lead you to the next step in your business unless you are mentally and ready for it. So Next thing. And we're gonna dive not too deep in this because next week for part two, we're going to be covering this even further.

So, the next thing that stops you in that having faith in your sales process, is receiving those sales objections. And be when you receive that, no, it starts to become your truth. You start to feel Unworthy of sales, especially when you hear no, after no. After no, you start to really feel like You're no longer in your purpose.

You feel like, maybe it's time to Pivot because it's not working for you, but it does work for you. It will work for you. Just need to push past the barriers of getting those no's, getting those sales objections because your people are out there, they're out there. You just need to know and have that full confidence and unwavering faith in your abilities that you have the perfect offer for the exact same person who's out there waiting for you to find them.

You need to have that. Confidence in yourself that the people that are telling you? No, this is not for them. That's why they're telling you. No, it doesn't have to mean anything more than it's not for them. It doesn't mean your program sucks. It doesn't mean you're bad at selling.

It doesn't mean that your offer is too expensive or it's not priced, right? It doesn't have to mean anything, unless you put meaning into it, I want you to take that step back and remove that meaning from it, so that when you do get an objection, it's just simply a no And I know some people teach and Noah's and not right now and I don't believe in that because and not right now.

If I say no to something, I mean no if I if it's not right now, I will tell you. Yes, I'm interested, but it's not for me right now in this season. I've told that to few people and I've told them, you know, when it is right for me, I will come back to you if that was a role reversed and that was a ideal client telling that to me I wouldn't push that on them and go.

Okay. Well, why isn't it right now? Like how can we make it a right now? Because that's going to start to crash that klt that you have built with them and they're going to start feeling attacked. So I'm going to end that. On. Oh, I'm gonna end on this note here.

So, There's a scripture Hebrews 11 1. Now, faith is confidence and what we hope for in Assurance about what we do not see That's the NIV version. Faith is confidence in what we hope for in Assurance about what we do not see. So to end this master class with part two, I want you to know that If God placed this desire on your heart, he placed it there for a reason because he knows that you are the person for this purpose.

He knows that you are willing to take the steps in order to get to, where he wants you to be where he has envisioned for you to be, you have to have that full faith, that unwavering faith, that unwavering confidence to know that even though you do not see the results that you desire.

They're just not here yet. They are on their way to you, but you need to put in the work, especially the mindset work, because that's the hardest part is the mindset work. And when you start showing up, and you start being obedient and you start listening to what God wants you to do, that is when the results are going to start to show up.

 I love you guys, God bless you. And I hope that this part two of the master class, served you and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. A wonderful rest of your week and I will see you for next week for part two.