Faithfully Confident Entrepreneur: Sell With Confidence and Grow a Kingdom Led Business, Christian Online Business

052 | Slowing Down to Align with God's Timing in Business

Courtney Berry - Christian Confidence Mentor, Sales Strategy, Business Coach, Faith-Driven-Entrepreneur

Have you ever considered that the secret to propelling your business forward might be found in the stillness of a pause? Join me today as we embrace the concept of slowing down to realign with God's timing in our entrepreneurial journey. In the hustle and bustle of business, we often overlook the importance of taking a step back to gain perspective and strength. This episode is filled with personal anecdotes and prayers for patience, highlighting the power of a pause, deeply rooted in biblical principles.

We'll explore how sometimes, the best way forward is to slow down and lean into our trust in God's perfect plan. As we prepare for the exciting future of our membership site, I share why I've chosen to forgo the rush of deadlines for organic growth that resonates on a deeper level. There's profound wisdom in releasing control and trusting in divine timing, and I'll discuss how this approach can lead to clearer, more effective paths in both our personal and business lives.

Embracing the pause is not just a break—it's an essential part of the journey that allows us to soar to new heights with renewed vigor. Take this moment with me to renew, recalibrate, and get ready for the empowering content and community we're building together. Stay blessed, and let's look forward to taking the next steps in our faith-driven entrepreneurial path.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, hey, hey you guys, welcome back to the Faithfully Confident Podcast. I am your host, courtney Berry, and I am thrilled to connect with you all today. Whether you're a new listener or regular, it's great to have you with us, and in today's episode we're diving into a topic that's incredibly important for every entrepreneur the power and the necessity of slowing down as a business owner, especially a Christian business owner. So it's been a month since our last episode and I just wanted to thank you for your patience. I needed to take some time off just to slow down and recalibrate so I can show up as the best version of myself for you, and I truly felt that God was leading me towards that. So I just wanted to thank you for your patience and for sticking around for this episode and the episodes to come. Anyways, as business owners, we often feel the pressure to constantly push forward, and sometimes that's the best way to speed up. Our progress is truly just by slowing down. Slowing down, it allows us to reflect, it allows us to reset, reassess and recharge, and it allows us really to set the foundation for that sustainable growth and that long-term success. So today we're going to be exploring why taking a step back can be the key to unleashing your business potential, and how embracing a slower pace can lead to that clarity and that strength in your journey. So, without further ado, let's pray, you guys.

Speaker 1:

Heavenly Father, we gather before you today grateful for this moment of connection and learning. Though we are physically apart, lord, we are all united in spirit, seeking your wisdom and guidance. Through this podcast and these episodes, lord, we acknowledge the pressures and the demands of being business owners. We often feel compelled to push forward, constantly striving for progress and success. Yet we recognize that sometimes the best way to advance is truly by slowing down. Father, help us to understand and embrace this balance, trusting that it leads to sustainable growth and true success. Lord, we thank you for the moments of reflection, the moments of reassessment and renewal that comes with slowing down. Father, teach us to see these times as opportunities for growth, aligning our paths with your divine plan. Proverbs 3, 5-6 reminds us to trust in you with all of our hearts and not rely on our own understanding. May we submit our ways to you, confident that you will guide us perfectly in our ways.

Speaker 1:

As we listen to today's message, remind us of the importance of your perfect timing. Let us find peace in knowing that slowing down allows us to align with your will, leading to clarity, leading to strength. Isaiah 40 31 encourages us that those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, soaring on wings like eagles. May this truth inspire us to embrace the pause and to trust the process you have set before us. We pray for everyone tuning in that they may find patience and encouragement in the upcoming plans and content. Help us to remember that slowing down is not about losing momentum, but about gaining deeper understanding and renewing vigor. Thank you, lord, for this community and the shared journey that we are on together. Bless each listener with the courage to slow down when needed and the faith to trust in your perfect plan. In Jesus' name, we pray Amen. Trust in your perfect plan. In Jesus name, we pray Amen.

Speaker 1:

Hey guys, so welcome back to the podcast. Like I mentioned, it's been a month since our last episode and again I just, I really do truly want to thank you for your patience, because I did need that time to slow down and just recalibrate and just actually show up as the best version of myself for you, because I know when we are just not stuck, but when we're just not feeling like that best version of ourself. We don't show up as excited and just with that zest for life and just loving what we do. And I felt like I really needed to step back and slow down so that I could continue to show up. Because, oh man, we are on today's in part three, where it's going to be coming. I promise you it's coming, but I just I wasn't I'm feeling aligned with doing part three yet and I feel like it was because God was preparing me for a just a really, really powerful part three. You guys, it's going to be really powerful, I don't know, but I promise you part three of our series is going to be worth the wait.

Speaker 1:

And if you're going part three, what do you mean? Part three, I haven't. I didn't even listen to part one and part two. Go back and listen to it, because those are powerful. Go listen to it if you haven't yet, but anyways, so I just I needed that time to step back, just to, as I mentioned, to just recalibrate and just find that version of myself that I can be for you guys to be able to be that expert, be that leader and show up for you guys in a way that I want to be as a business owner, as a podcast host, I want to be that person for you guys.

Speaker 1:

So I just I really wanted to focus this episode and educate you guys on the importance of slowing down, because I know we live in a very fast-paced world, especially as entrepreneurs online. We see so much noise around us about how fast and how quick we can grow. There's tons of terminology thrown out there, how we can quantum leap, how we can, you know, just amplify our results, how we can manifest our results, and just there's so much noise out there and just seeing other entrepreneurs who are doing all the things and just making these super quick transitions in their business and quick, fast results, and we feel like maybe we're not doing enough, as we're seeing that. I know I've felt like that personally, which is again why I really want to record this episode for you guys today, because I was rushing. I'm I'm actually in a um, a membership right now where they're teaching us to create a membership site which, as you know, I'm creating one for you guys, super excited about it, um, um.

Speaker 1:

But seeing all these results, I was like, oh my gosh, like everything was going so fast and I just I I didn't take that step back, to just remember, to slow down, to reflect on the journey, to reassess the journey, to have that you, that how do we word that Basically just be able to step back and see, like, okay, god did this, like this membership site didn't do this, god did this, I didn't do this, he did this. And it's really important to be able to step back so that you can acknowledge that and know that it's only possible through God. These results are possible because it is your divine purpose, because he set this path here for you and you're seeing these incredible, amazing results in your life and in your business because you were able to step back and assess and go okay, lord, take the wheel, where do you want me to go? What is the next step for me? And until we're able to do that, we're going to be in the driver's seat, we're going to be taking the lead. And sometimes, when that happens, we go too fast and we end up crashing and we burn our business down. We deal with that burnout, we start struggling because we just we went too fast and I felt like that was honestly where I was going with everything. So I just I needed that step back to just reassess everything. So, all right, truth, bomb out there, honesty out of the way. So, if you can relate to that, we're a team, we got this, we are doing this together. We're a team, we got this, we are doing this together, anyways.

Speaker 1:

So, like I mentioned recently, I was about to launch that new membership. It's focused on building your business without the constant stress of searching for new clients. It teaches you how to sign those clients confidently while mastering the art of selling with ease, with a faith-based approach and I really want to mention that it is a faith-based approach. It's not new age, it's not anything like that, like it is completely focused on my value, which is God at the center of my business. So I just want to throw that out there. It is a faith-based membership. I just want to throw that out there. It is a faith-based membership. But anyway.

Speaker 1:

So I just like I said, I felt like everything was moving so fast and it was almost like God was just telling me to slow down. And the last time I had that little nudge from God to slow down and I was obedient, it turned out to be the best decision ever. I won't go into details because that's not what the point of this podcast is, but I will say it was the best decision ever for my business, when I slowed down, I took that step back and even at one point I took a sabbatical and it was amazing, you guys. So if you ever have that nudge, be obedient, go listen and go do the things. Do whatever he's telling you to do, because, oh, my goodness, I could write an entire episode on that, but again, not the point.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, like it says Proverbs 3, 5 to 6, it says trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understandings. In all of your ways, submit to him and he will make your path straight. Trusting in God's timing is essential. It's essential, you guys, slowing down. It allows us to align with his plan and his timing. And his timing is always so perfect. And his timing and his timing is always so perfect. We don't know it, we don't realize it until everything is set in stone and finished and complete. But oh, his timing is always so perfect, it is so perfect. I love his timing. And, again, we may not feel like his timing is perfect as we're going through the seasons, but he knows exactly what he's doing when he is orchestrating your life, he knows exactly what he's doing.

Speaker 1:

But by the time we slow down, we're able to refocus, we're able to shift, we're able to just reestablish where we are in our life and our business, and I wanted to share that. Just by taking this time to slow down, I've been able to just make sure that my membership launch is perfectly aligned with my mission, with our mission, and I've been able to prepare content that, oh man, it's so empowering, it's so empowering, it's so powerful. But I've been able to prepare content that it's going to empower you and help you with getting those sales, and it hasn't been adding any unnecessary stress to my life like feeling that, oh my gosh, you have to get this done now, all right. So I'm not sure where it stopped there. My daughter woke up, so I had to go deal with that, and this is an unended podcast. I do not edit this at all. I love that about this podcast and apparently so does everyone else. So no edits here.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, recalibrating yourself for just better outcomes by taking that time to slow down, it's allowed me to prepare content that's going to help you with selling with confidence. It's going to help you with showing up in your business as the leader that God has created you to be. And I've done all of that without adding any unnecessary stress of oh my gosh, this needs to get done today, this has to be done tomorrow, because I'm launching tomorrow, I'm going to have people signing up tomorrow and if I don't have the content out, like oh my gosh, so much unnecessary stress, that did not need to happen. I want this membership to be so powerful and impactful for you guys, without the pressure of having a set date for it to come out, and I mean this is why I've never actually launched anything with an actual launch plan. I've just gone out and winged it, like if you know me and you're in my world and you've been in my world for a while, you know, if I decide I'm going to do something, I decide and my launch is like okay, bam, this program's coming out. Here's the link. Like I've never, even until this membership site, ever, ever and I kid you, not ever made a landing page. I've always just basically sent people links and talk to them about the program and talk to them about what they're signing up for, and they know whether it is for them or not for them, and they sign up. I've never done a landing page until now.

Speaker 1:

So I just, like I said, I felt like everything was just coming so fast and I feel like I wasn't quite aligned with how fast it was going and just how I was. I felt like I was just getting that. You know that feeling in your chest you get when you're like, oh, I'm not sure if I'm ready, was just getting that. You know that feeling in your chest you get when you're like, oh, I'm not sure if I'm ready for this yet, and you just you feel like you are almost holding yourself back. But you don't know, like I was getting that feeling and I'm like I don't like that. We're going to take a step back. I don't like that. So I trusted myself. I trusted in that little nudge from God and I know taking that step back is going to be so powerful when I take that moment back into getting the membership going. So, anyways.

Speaker 1:

So some exciting upcoming plans. I'm excited for what's going to come when part three is launched. I promise you it's going to be worth the wait. You guys, whenever I take a step back to just refocus and recalibrate myself into where it is that God wants me to be oh, it is so worth the wait, it's so worth the wait. And then, when it comes to the membership site, it is going to be coming. I will make a community announcement when everything is all set up and figured out, with an official date and so on and so forth. So I will have that coming here soon. And I say soon because I don't have an official date yet. So it takes the pressure off me. But yeah, anyways, in the meantime, you know, hang tight with me.

Speaker 1:

Great things are on the horizon and I want you to remember that slowing down isn't about losing momentum. It's about gaining that clarity and getting that strength and where it is that God wants us to be. So, just if you feel that nudge to slow down, slow down, it's okay. Slowing down is what we need to do in order to speed up, and Isaiah again reminds us but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They'll soar. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will not run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint.

Speaker 1:

Read that scripture, memorize that scripture. It is so powerful. It is the most impactful scripture I could probably share with you regarding this episode is just slow down, you're going to be okay. Slow down, it will be okay. You will not grow weary, you will not be faint, you're going to soar on the wings, god is going to renew your strength and everything will work out. So just take that step back, slow down if you need it, and I want to again thank you for your understanding and your continued support with this podcast, and just remember to embrace the pause, trust in the process and get ready for an amazing journey ahead, because when we're able to do that, powerful things start happening in your life.

Speaker 1:

It is so beautiful. But anyways, stay blessed and I will see you soon for our next episode, when it comes out here, soon after this little breather here to step back, and, yeah, I'm excited for our step three, our part three of our series and this membership site. I'm just oh my gosh, you guys, I'm so excited for it. It's going to be so good. Anyways, I love you guys. God bless you and thank you again for your continued support.