Faithfully Confident Entrepreneur: Sell With Confidence and Grow a Kingdom Led Business, Christian Online Business

053 | Part 3 - Selling With Confidence Masterclass

Courtney Berry - Christian Confidence Mentor, Sales Strategy, Business Coach, Faith-Driven-Entrepreneur

Struggling with sales confidence and managing your faith-based business?

Want to cultivate confidence and grow your business with a Christian entrepreneur mindset?

Join us in the final part of our masterclass series, "Selling with Confidence." Discover how self-belief and faith can transform your sales approach.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Why confidence and faith are key to success
  • Overcoming rejections and past failures
  • Balancing business and family life, especially for stay-at-home moms
  • Managing money with biblical principles of trust and financial stewardship

Tune in for faith-based  tips, and a heartfelt prayer for strength and courage as a Christian Entrepreneur. Get ready to embrace your kingdom-led business sales journey with renewed confidence.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, hey, hey. You guys, welcome back to the Faithfully Confident Podcast. Today we are on part three of our masterclass Selling with Confidence. This is a three-part series. Today is going to be our final part, so if you have not listened to part one or part two, I highly recommend you pause this and go back and watch it, because they're very powerful and they all tie together in some way, shape or form. We talked about building those connections, what a sales conversation actually is, debunking those sales myths, embracing your authenticity and your faith within your sales process, reframing the meaning of getting a no and, just if you are annoyed by, you know sales tactics that feel pushy and manipulative and just leave you feel disconnected from signing potential clients, this series is for you. If you're craving an authentic approach to selling and one that especially aligns with your values of being a faithpreneur, definitely go listen to part one, part two and come back and listen to this one, or continue listening to this one, but anyway. So, without further ado, let's pray and let's begin part three of our masterclass.

Speaker 1:

Heavenly Father, we come before you today grateful for this time to gather and learn about overcoming the anxieties that often accompany the journey of sales. Father, we seek your wisdom and guidance as we dive into the third part of our masterclass series on selling with confidence, lord, we acknowledge the fears and doubts that can hold us back. Sometimes we don't believe we're capable of achieving success in sales. Help us to see ourselves, as you see us, father Worthy, capable and endowed with unique gifts and talents. Lord, remind us that with you, all things are possible. We often allow our objections and fears to become our truths, limiting our potential and our growth. Lord, break these chains and replace our doubts with faith. Help us to see the challenge and overcome these false beliefs that we're not meant to succeed or that we're being someone that we're not, or that we're incapable of handling money within our business and all the many other lies that the enemy tries to tell us. In our journey, lord, we may struggle with the fear of handling success and abundance. Please teach us to trust in your provision and wisdom, knowing that you can equip us to handle all that you bless us with. Help us to manage our resources wisely and to use them for good. Lord, we ask for your strength. Lord, we ask for your courage as we step out in faith. Fill us with confidence, and not just in our abilities, but in your unending support and love, guide our words and actions that we may approach sales with authenticity and integrity. Bless each lessener with the assurance that they are capable and worthy of success. May they find peace in knowing that they are never alone and that you are with them every step of the way. Father, we thank you for this opportunity to grow and learn together. May this episode be a source of inspiration and empowerment for all who hear it. In this we pray Amen.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's begin part three of our masterclass that you have been waiting for, and I'm so excited to present this to you today in the podcast because it is going to be so, so impactful. And you are just going to walk away feeling empowered and ready to take action and have that sales confidence to be able to be a leader within your kingdom-led business. And I'm so excited that I am here as your mentor within this process and this journey, and I pray that you continue to join me in this journey further and I'll talk about that later where we can continue to grow this sales relationship together and how I can help you cultivate that confidence within your business and selling process. But that's not what this is about. We are in step three today and we are going to be talking about believing in yourself and taking that next step. We already covered how to get into your ideal clients, dms, and how that sales process begins, and knowing where the sales process starts and starts to truly form and when that trust is built. So we talked about building that genuine connection with your ideal clients and getting that know like trust factor built up with them. So we we already covered those, so we're not going to dive into those any further. But today is truly about your mindset. We're going to be talking about your mindset today because you can implement all of the strategies and all of the systems within your business.

Speaker 1:

But if you don't believe that you are capable, if you don't believe that this is for you, if you don't believe that you know God placed this desire on your heart for a reason and that you can be successful within your business, it's going to be really hard to thrive in your business. It's going to be really hard to keep growing. It's going to be really hard to, you know, get the next sale, to reach your income goals, and not even just reach your income goals, but just to continue in your business, right? Like it's so easy to feel like this isn't possible. I should just quit, and I don't have enough limbs to tell you how many times I have felt that way up until I really put God into the center of my business, so building that trust with your clients. And now we're digging deeper into the conversation and I will tell you there's always going to be openings to have conversations, and this is something that we can talk about another on another episode, because there's so many different ways that you can talk to them.

Speaker 1:

But, as we discussed previously, like you are selling on a daily basis. You're always selling. You're just not making any money from those sales. You're not making any money from telling people you know about the book that you're reading that's so good. The author's making that money. You're not making the money. You're just marketing for them, right, but you're selling. You're essentially selling. So, again, not going to dive into that too deep because we want to talk about mindset today.

Speaker 1:

So one of the things that I find we struggle with with selling is we love the idea of having a business, we love the idea of having products, of having courses and having digital products, like all the things we love about it, but we don't love to sell because we don't believe we're capable. This is the biggest mindset block that my clients often face is they don't believe they're capable. They think they're capable but they don't on a soul level believe Like they don't wake up and have that wholehearted belief that there's clients around the corner. There's always clients around you. Whether this client says no, the next person is going to say yes, like they don't have that belief, and I will tell you that that is going to be one of the biggest blocks that you're going to have is to not believe you're capable, because you can work one-on-one with me and I can tell you you know, I believe in you, I know you're capable, I know that you can do this, but that's only going to go so far.

Speaker 1:

You have to own up to yourself, you have to own up as a business owner and you have to believe that you are the one that is capable. You can do this without me. You can do this without this podcast. You can do this without the course, without the mentor, without the coach. You can do that without the trainings, because you have God in your life and he has pushed this purpose on you because he knows that you're capable, he has equipped you, he has your life and he has pushed this purpose on you because he knows that you're capable. He has equipped you, he has qualified you. And when you start to believe that on a soul level, that's when you start to grow in your business, you start to step up as a business owner. You actually start to see yourself.

Speaker 1:

As I don't have a hobby business, I'm a business owner. I am a CEO of a company. I do my taxes as a company, like I, you start to believe, you start to see it, you start to see what I see in you. But, most importantly, I want you to remember Philippians 4.13. Write it down somewhere I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

Speaker 1:

So our next one is we believe that we're trying to be someone that we aren't. You know that imposter syndrome. You know. Oh, this person's doing it. You know I can't do it better than them. You know why should I do it? Because they have all this experience. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Like I said previously, god has equipped you, he has qualified you, you are capable. They started from the beginning too. They have taken those steps. They have continued to believe in themselves. They've continued to work on the mindset, they've continued to show up, they've continued to thrive, even through all the failures.

Speaker 1:

They probably are going through the same thing of they believe that they're doing something that you know they're not meant to be doing, but they keep going, they keep going, they keep going and, no matter what, you keep going. You don't wake up one day and go. You know what? Oh, that client said no to me. Or, oh, that client asked for their money back. I'm a failure. I'm not as good at this as I thought I was going to be. Maybe it's just not meant for me. No, you know that you are passionate about this. You know that God placed this desire on your heart. You know that he has equipped you. You know that he has qualified you, and that is all you need to know.

Speaker 1:

When you feel like you're trying to be someone that you aren't, it's honestly because you're probably stepping away from what your true passion is. When you are seeing all these other people doing different things, so like, I see sally next door doing, you know, instagram training, and it's like, oh, I know everything about instagram. Oh, oh, I should teach about Instagram. And then I start, you know dabbling in Instagram and you know coaching people on Instagram, then, yeah, that imposter syndrome is probably legitimate. Like, maybe I should not be doing that, because I'm feeling it and I'm feeling it really strongly and my passion and my desires are leading me elsewhere. So step into that. You know, I believe that I'm trying to be someone that I'm not and really see where it stems from.

Speaker 1:

And if it's actually true, if you're, you know, leaning slowly away from where you're meant to be, like it's not that we, when we're starting to see success in our business, we step away because we're like, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Like who am I kidding? Like I can't do this. But Jeremiah 1.5, before I formed you in the womb, I knew you Before you were born. I set you apart. I appointed you as a prophet to the nation. So obviously we're not prophets to the nations, but God knew what he was doing with you. He already knows your path. He already knows what actions you're gonna take. He already knows where you're gonna go. He already knows the client that he's on the in the process of sending to you. He already knows these things and we need to know and trust in him and know that when we wake up. This is our purpose. When we wake up, I can do this. When we wake up, today's a new day.

Speaker 1:

Don't make what hasn't worked for you yet your truth. Don't make the clients that have said no to you your truth. Don't make the failures that you've already had in your business your truth. Learn from them, grow from them, expand from them.

Speaker 1:

Being a business owner is hard. It's hard. It's not easy. If it was easy to own a business, there'd be so many more business owners out there. There'd be so many more millionaires out there. It's not meant for everyone, but if God placed that desire on your heart to be a business owner, maybe you're a stay at home mom like myself and you just don't want to go back to work because you just don't feel aligned with not only leaving your family for the day, but just going back. And you know, helping someone else run their business Like that does not align with me. I know that God wants me to fully stay at home and help you with selling things and become more confident as a Christian entrepreneur, as a, you know, faith-based entrepreneur who's selling their products that he's like hey, you know what I've blessed you with these skills and these abilities Make this product and market it. Make this product and go market it. I am here in between that, to help you build those confidence in selling so that you can have that sales confidence within yourself to push that product out there and actually help people with it.

Speaker 1:

When you are stepping back and you're, you know, cocooning yourself and just hiding, you're not helping anyone, you're not doing doing anything, you need to get out and build that confidence within yourself and believe that you are exactly where you are because this is your purpose. You are exactly where you are because god has equipped you, he's qualified you and you are capable and you can do this. There's going to be obstacles, but you can overcome them all right. So the next one is you don't believe that you're able to handle that type of money. A lot of my clients and people that just I've come across in my journey in general is you start making money in your business.

Speaker 1:

You want to make all this money. You're like I would love to have a thousand dollar month, I would love to have a $5,000 month. Oh, how amazing it would be to have a $10,000 month. And then you get those. You get those desires and then you panic and you freeze and you're like, oh my gosh, it happened. Now, what? Like, what do I do now? Can I do it again next month? Oh, and you, just, you pull yourself back. You almost like you have like that, almost. And you, just, you pull yourself back. You almost like you have like that, almost like I don't even know how to explain it.

Speaker 1:

But you feel like you got trusted with so much and now everything's just going to shatter and fall and you don't know how to handle it. Like you're not. You feel like you're not properly equipped with it. You feel like you know, wow, they trusted me with their money. And you know, can I trust myself with this money? Like you've never had this amount of money either. In general, you've never had this amount of money, you know, on a monthly basis, on a daily basis, on a weekly basis, or even you've just you've never earned money in a business before. Like this is all new to you. This is something that we all have to overcome is to trust yourself that you can be trusted with money. You can be trusted to receive this money. You just need to remember that like Remember that like Jesus teaches us the importance of being faithful with what we have and that we can handle those small responsibilities. We can handle the larger responsibilities. We are capable of handling excessive amounts of money.

Speaker 1:

It's not that you know money is a bad thing, and there's that scripture, you know, that says you know the love for the root of? Was it? The root of money is evil. I can't, I can't remember it off my head right now, but the root of money is evil, or something like that. If you dive deeper into that and I actually did a training on that, so I'll link that in this, the show notes, if you're interested interested. But it talks about like how you know money isn't evil and it talks about like what, uh, being a wealthy Christian entrepreneur, basically, and like receiving money.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, or we're getting away way off topic here. Um, but one of the scriptures and I actually forgot to write down what it was, I believe it's in Jeremiah, I want to say maybe, but it's whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with very much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with very much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? So just really let that sink in. Let it sink in you guys. But I feel like we're supposed to be moving on here, so I'm just going to go to the next slide. So this is really not the end of the training, but it's the last slide that I have for you, other than what I'm going to be sharing with you after and how you can continue with me on this sales journey, and that is your sales objections become your truth.

Speaker 1:

You feel unworthy of receiving sales. You feel unworthy of getting that. Yes, you want to get that. Yes, you pray about that. Yes, you desire to get that. Yes, but you don't, in a sense, you don't feel worthy of getting that sale. You don't feel, you know, maybe your course isn't done yet, maybe your marketing isn't just right, maybe you haven't shown up the way you want to show up, like, maybe whatever it is that you're selling you feel isn't complete yet. So you feel unworthy of getting that sale because you're essentially selling something that you feel isn't worth the price that you're putting on it. Basically, but you feel unworthy of selling. And I want you to know that when you get a sales objection, it does not have to be your truth, it is just simply and I know a lot of other trainings and I don't, I don't like this. I really don't like this, and this is something that I preach all the time about is a lot of other mentors out there are teaching you that that getting a no is just simply a not right now. A no is simply a not right now. You guys Like ew, ew, like no, a no is no, no means no, n-o, no, no, no, like, don't make it mean anything more than that.

Speaker 1:

Don't make it mean anything about you. Don't make it mean that you know they said no because XYZ. You Don't make it mean that you know they said no because XYZ. They said no because I'm a bad salesperson. They said no because I didn't present it properly. They said no because I'm just I'm a bad business owner. Like I don't want to get deep into that because I don't like focusing on the negative things, but you don't have to make it mean anything. You got to know. Okay, you know it's not for you, great, okay, moving on Like, just just let it go, just let it go, just take a deep breath. You know, thank you, lord, for bringing me this opportunity to practice my, my selling, and it's not meant for them and that is okay. It is okay. It doesn't have to mean anything unless you make it mean something. Sales objections are, yes, they're sales objections, but they don't have to be a truth. They don't have to make you feel unworthy of sales and make you feel like you're a bad salesperson or there's something that you need to tweak within your sales process. That's not always the case. Sometimes it is, but the majority of the time that is not the case.

Speaker 1:

So Jeremiah 1.9, I just want to end with these few scriptures here. It says I have have I not commanded you. Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord, your God, will be with you wherever you go, will be with you wherever you go. Be strong, be courageous in your journey. You can do all things. We can be more than conquerors when we have our strength through Christ, with God in our life, with him within us, we can overcome all obstacles within our business. They wouldn't be obstacles if we didn't have ways to overcome them. Obstacles don't always equal failure. Obstacles equal learning opportunities. Obstacles equal ways that you can grow and develop as a business owner. And I want you to know that about obstacles, and don't look at getting a sales objection or getting a no in your business for like anything that you're selling to mean anything more than hey, this is just a no, I can move on to the next person and that is okay. Or maybe there's something again you might need to tweak within your process. But obstacles are opportunities for growth.

Speaker 1:

So, with that being said, I have a three-day mini course. It's only $7. It's only $7. You can go to sellwithconfidencenowcom. That's sellwithconfidencenowcom. That's sellwithconfidencenowcom. It's only seven dollars. It's three days. You get access to everything right away and they're like 30 to 45 minute trainings and you can dive deeper into that sales journey with me. You get to ditch those awkward sales conversations and learn how to actually navigate the sales process even deeper. And there's going to be an exclusive VIP Facebook group where only those with access to the training are in there so we can ask each other questions, we can engage throughout the video, like I'm always in there responding to all of you guys. So have access to that that.

Speaker 1:

And I just want you to go out there and just sell confidently, get that yes and know that you can do all things through Christ. So within that training it's you're going to learn to present your offers with that faith-based confidence. You're going to learn to get that yes without being pushy, handle objections with grace and manage those objections smoothly, while turning those potential no's into those learning opportunities right. The other things that we cover within it is, you know, just improving your conversion rate by identifying those common mistakes that we make in the sales process and learning how to correct them so that we can get those sales, we can get those yeses, you know. Raising your confidence and your messaging, increasing your confidence to get those yeses, developing that resilient mindset so that you can, you know, handle rejections and turn them into learning experience, because when we get those rejections, sometimes they hit really hard and they really knock us down. So I am going to be coaching you through that within this training on how to handle them, what they actually mean and how you can work through them.

Speaker 1:

So it's a really good conversation, it's a really good training. Like I said, it's $7. It's three days, three trainings, like less than two hours you're done. It's really great, like I love going through it myself. But yeah, so go check that out, sellwithconfidencenowcom. But with that being said, hebrews 11.1,.

Speaker 1:

Now, faith is the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Speaker 1:

I feel like that's a great note to end this training on, because whether you get that sale today, or you get that sale tomorrow, or you become, you know, successful in your business this month or a year from now, or even seven years from now, I just want you to continue to have that faith and that confidence and that trust in yourself and in the Lord that, even though you don't see it, it's on its way to you. If he truly placed that desire on your heart, it is on its way to you. Just continue to trust, continue to have that unwavering faith and belief in yourself, because you can do this. You absolutely can do this. You are capable, you are capable, you are capable and you can do this. So I pray that God blesses you and I pray that this episode blessed you and I really I hope to see you in that group, you guys. So God bless and I will see you for our next episode and I will hopefully see you around in the training.